Girl Scouts Troop 2809 has been working over the past few months to bring a Seed Library to Cameron, encouraging area residents to add to their home gardens. This project aims to help people access different varieties of vegetable and flower seeds. People can "borrow" seeds, grow plants, and donate seeds to keep the library stocked. Girl Scout Scarlett Lowenstein said this about the project, “I think this was a really interesting idea and we worked hard with the library on this. It is so cool and I hope you like it too.” ."
“Seed Libraries have been popping up in libraries all over the nation and we are so happy to include one in ours.” said Jennifer Ensign, Assistant Library Director. “We hope this will grow into a community effort, with new seeds added by everyone. If you have planted your garden and you still have some seeds in the packet, feel free to bring them in! We have empty packets available as well if your original package is no longer usable.”
This isn’t the first time the Girl Scouts have given to the community! Last year they created Disc Golf Kits that are available for check out at the Cameron Public Library. They are a great way to get outside and take advantage of Cameron’s Disc Golf Course!
